Specialised CFD Service for Ship Hydrodynamics
Cloud Towing Tank provides ship design offices and ship operators with reliable resistance and propulsion data using our CFD software.
Parametric hull optimisation:
Using Rhino 3D for hull modelling? Test your hull for 100 EUR
Our recent offer allows you to test hull resistance with our service for 100 EUR per simulation. Hull geometry needs to be prepared and exported to STL according to our instructions.
Academic and commercial experience brings reliability and consistency.
Our team has been dealing with development and application of CFD in the field of naval and marine hydrodynamics for 10 years. This is what enables us to deliver high quality CFD results.
Our academic and commercial track record can be checked at here:

“We are really glad to work with CTT and Inno Gatin and thanking them for their professional approach and services that they have done for us for our fleet vessel’s CFD studies.”
Önder Çekici, Active Denizcilik ve Gemi İşletmeciliği A.Ş., İstanbul, Turkey
“Cloud Towing Tank's team expertise in the particular field of wave diffraction in a river channel has been crucial in conducting a detailed assessment that underpins the feasibility of a near-shore development. Cloud Towing Tank has proved to be a pleasure to work with, combining an undeniable academic acumen with pleasant and professional effectiveness. The added value of their assessment conducted by Cloud Towing Tank has been undeniable. We look forward to working with them at the next opportunity.”
Valentin Martin, Navalmartin, London, UK
"Working in close cooperation with this company, we fully satisfy our needs in the hydrodynamic calculations of ships. The accuracy and speed of the calculations pleasantly surprises. In-depth knowledge of the mathematical apparatus used in combination with the engineering approach gives this company undeniable advantages in the accurate and high-quality performance of hydrodynamic calculations of ships of various types."
Alexander Alexanov, Marine Software Integration, Sola, Norway
"Professional, prompt and efficient, with Cloud Towing Tank it is possible to use CFD calculations even in concept design stage.“
Igor Lalović, Flow Ship Design, Pula, Croatia
"Cloud Towing Tank are experts in their field, easy to communicate with and deliver fast results. I give them my highest recommendations."
Eirik Bøckmann, Wavefoil AS, Trondheim, Norway
"CTT and Inno Gatin was a clear light to our design, with the CFD study they have made for the 42m explorer project that helped us to decide deeper in details.".
İbrahim Karataş, Karataş Yacht Design, Istanbul, Turkey
"Using Cloud Towing Tank's CFD results we were able to verify our hydrofoil lift & drag calculations. This meant we were able to finalise our hydrofoil design and enter the production phase with confidence."
Bas van Berkel, Chief Vehicle Dynamics at the TU Delft Hydro Motion Team, The Netherlands
Test our service through a free of charge benchmark study.
Contact us at info@cloudtowingtank.com or schedule a call here.
How does the free benchmark work?
Find a benchmark vessel with reference results that you can use to compare against our results.

Send us the CAD file of the vessel (stl, iges, 3dm or step format), vessel speed, and draft or displacement.

Receive our CFD results within 3 working days and compare against your data.

Who do we work with?
Ship design offices
Calm water resistance or self-propulsion calculations to aid the design process, often with multiple iterations of hull/appendage geometry, displacement and/or COG. Special calculations are also often required, such as seakeeping for slamming loads or comfort analysis.
Ship Owners and Ship Operators
- Evaluation of ESD solutions,
- EEXI calculation using CFD according to IMO guidelines,
- Trim optimisation for fuel saving.
Towing Tanks
Complementing towing tank's capabilities and extending their in-house CFD capacity
Cloud Towing Tank Team

Robert Keser
Mechanical Engineer, PhD

Vuko Vukčević
Naval Architect, PhD

Inno Gatin
Naval Architect, PhD